A Newer "Slant on LIFE"

Forever is the period in which you find yourself living.

Finding yourself is the challenge... Finding yourself in the forever in which you are.

A game most certainly.

Finding oneself is the game.

One's self is the focus - in this game.


Update on Unsuspected Coming Events

......for as your dimension is rapidly coming into a non-dimension status we do have permission from SOURCE to give you an update.

Calmness must reign. A balance will be the key.

Man knows nothing of his power prevalent in his thoughts – the energy prevalent within the lazered focus can be catastrophic when permitted to run unchecked / rampant upon the Game. The storms across the lands are only pre-cursors of what may be experienced by those who are unable to remain in a state of quiet.

Balance = quiet. The quiet sea is a display of the quiet that can be, and must be. This will become the cry of the winner in the The Game: Be in quiet mode. Inner focus is an imperative skill to develop for the smoothing of the transition into the next phase.

To maintain a non-attached mode i.e. non attachment to the world as it has /had been known must be held – not grasped.

Hold as with a velvet glove. In Trust. Permitting what(ever) needs to be let go, to go and what desires to be introduced, to be introduced into ones presence. Here; trusting that it shall be done …."as it is in heaven”
{ We detect a slight ability on your part to image only a hint as to the place of being – to which we refer; and it is wonder-full }

The balance of the above channelled message may be obtained from okxmers@gmail.com - free.

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