A Newer "Slant on LIFE"

Forever is the period in which you find yourself living.

Finding yourself is the challenge... Finding yourself in the forever in which you are.

A game most certainly.

Finding oneself is the game.

One's self is the focus - in this game.


Coming to the close of a year.

Let's use them for one reason only; to look at and see how we can build on the non-productive activities of our past 12 months life.

Without judgement. JUDGMENT NOT ALLOWED - remember that.

Just be objective and look to see how any of the activities and decisions of the past year can be improved.
In all actuality - it is BEST to just look into the future and plan to do the very best job we can.

****Just don't relive any of your past experiences....at least be mindful enough to NOT do that.

Ones object is to be - creative. So be it.


The Christmas story

The "Christmas Story" told for all Christians- as I now perceive it, is a bit different. The story as disclosed in the Bible very well may have taken place. It is a wonderful story. One holding all the necessary qualities of a great story. Believable in every way.

After three score and ten + years of living this life on Earth; half studying in areas most folks choose not to - I now perceive the story to have another level. Mine begs just an'extension'- without demanding acceptance, certainly.

And it now cries to be brought from under the swaddling covers and displayed that all may see and know - this other level of the story.

Every child is and offers new discovery. Both for itself and for those who bring it into life on the planet. That wonderfilled new life must be allowed, accepted and encouraged to grow. Such was the case of the Child in This Story, certainly.

Here I shall leave it to rest - on the level it has enjoyed for centuries.....

Now, as I perceive it, we humans each have the potential of the Christ: within our very beings. It was awarded us upon our creation. It is our legacy, in actuality.
I realize some won't agree with this; they require an acceptance, as I recall - but this is my rendition.

The borning of the Christ child abides and awaites within all those who choose to become aware of that legacy. We need only to permit it to "come to life. "

Come to life via your acceptance of What you are.

Recognize the "manger" for what it is - a place where animals are fed.
I know that from first hand experience. We would bring the cows in and lock them into their places - so they could eat. Undisturbed.

Now it is time for those in human form to wake up (be borne) and
recognize they are not human/animals - taking in all the myriad distractions of their planetary existence.

This is a difficult concept for many to get their head around.

Everyone seems to think they are their bodies and when its time - they die;
and that's all there is to it.

WHOA ! major mistake in ones understanding here, folks.

Get educated. Read about what's going on in regressive hypnosis, and NDE
reports - etc. And the etc. makes up a looong list.

Move beyond the grasp of the religionists.

The mom & dad in this story are the necessary energies making up this
whole planetary gig. The story is on a - for the most part- symbolical explanation
of what this life on Earth is. And what it is about.

The Kings are symbolic of our " entourage" which is with us thruout this whole journey while we're boppin around this planet.
AND WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THEY ARE WITH US. Well, yeah - some of you do - a small majority of non sleepers recognize that they have guides, etc. "lookin out for 'em".

My encouragement is for folks to recognize the presence of the Christ within your
individual and personal life. IT is Present and ready to be accounted for.

We - as individual universes in and of ourselves, can come to know that partnership with the Christ.

There is only one requirement :

Spend quiet time daily.
Brush aside the chatter and noise.
Engage earnestly in the campaign of returning to Awareness.

YES ! While we are here, momentarily on this planet of our choice
Become Aware of WHAT WE REALLY ARE.

In doing this, we will have won this extremely Challenging Game.