A Newer "Slant on LIFE"

Forever is the period in which you find yourself living.

Finding yourself is the challenge... Finding yourself in the forever in which you are.

A game most certainly.

Finding oneself is the game.

One's self is the focus - in this game.


Our planet Earth has Consciousness. Why else the campaign to "Go Green"?

"Way back when" - a challenge was designed for spirit energy that it might have something to experience more than just a "walk in the park". And it came to pass on this particular planet. Indeed a REAL challenge was designed by the Masters. Among the many qualities a workshop in relationships for all human kind was included.

Life on this planet Earth has become a major challenge due to the free will factor included in Earth's design. (And just know that many "spirit types" will not even come into - or should I say "won't be caught dead" - in
this quagmire at all.

- - Even though living for an Eternity is also included in the plan, now - - it's "crunch time".

And here's a BIG BONUS!!

The "quiet time" advocated in this manual is also the key to winning the battle presently raging against those radical Islamic terrorists. Probably the only key.*

By moving strongly into a program of elevating our vibrations (the result of Quiet Time) a resultant heavy concentration of higher levels of energy coming from myriad numbers who are participating in this practice regularly will be vital. This successful practice will put out of balance the vibrational space of those terrorist entities and their lower frames of vibration. And they will realize a loss of their power. To find out more about this, read David Hawkins' book, "Power vs Force".

Don't ask me how, I just know it will take place.

*That was an awareness that came to me in late March of 2009.

Just another real reason to make available "The Manual for those who didn't bring theirs".

And why it must be gotten out to "the masses". . . as I have been told many times.
I'm asking your help.

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